What is your opinion on science communication?
Science Communication Survey
Science Communication Project
How do you communicate your research? What are your motivations and what limitations do you face?
Science communication is an important and integral part of the relationship between science and society. However, very few studies have investigated the extent to which scientists get involved, why and when they engage, and the strategies they employ in science communication activities. Furthermore, very few studies have attempted to systematically assess the challenges and opportunities of science communication activities through the lens of effective science communication practices.
Thus, this project aims to investigate current practices, motivations, incentives, responsibilities as well as limitations such as time, skills, and resources, of researchers engaged in the public communication of research. Our aims are to fill a gap in knowledge about the public communication of science, specifically in The Netherlands. To do so, this project runs four phases: 1) the dissemination of a survey aimed to investigate current definitions, practices as well as limitations, in relation to science communication (2) social media analysis aimed at uncovering the various types of science communications and debates taking place online, as well as the opportunities and challenges of online science communication; (3) in-depth interviews with scientists aimed at examining the ways in which scientists talk about their science communication and public outreach practices. The project also aims to use the results of the survey, social media analysis, and the in-depth interviews to (4) offer a set of detailed recommendations and strategies for more effective (online) science communication and improved public engagement efforts online. We expect the overall findings of this project to inform recommendations and strategies for responsible and effective (online) science communication and outreach.
Currently, the project is in phase 1 and we have obtained 584 survey responses from scientists working across all Dutch universities and disciplines. More on the results of this survey will be posted here very soon. Stay tuned!